Nantai-san and Shoo-ga-hara (Nikko),

May 28, 2005

(organised by Gunther)

Photos and report by Gunther

the temple   on top of Nantai-san
We departed from 7/11 at 5:45, arriving at the foot of Nantai-san at 8:40, having taken the toll-route (less than 1000 Yen) between Utsunomiya and Nikko). We started to climb at 9:10, the fastest of us making the 1200 height meters to the top in 2:35 hours. The slowest arrived at 12:15, still faster than maptime which is 3:30 hours. There was only the occasional snow patch, generally it was dry. Going down took 2:30 hours for the slowest, a little more than map-time (2:20). Under wet/rainy conditions, Nantai-san cannot be recommended. It would make going down difficult. The Senjoo-ga-hara hike is an easy stroll and can be done in 2:30. There were not many people, because it is off-season, so yes, at this time of the year, go to Nikko! For time-planning purposes, it gets dark at 19:00.
                                                  (above): the organizer gets thanked!!
    below: the Shoo-ga-hara marsh  

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