
October 12-13, 2002

(organised by Terry Saito)

Hi everybody,

We had a nice 2 day-trip (rigorously speaking, it ended up in 3 days due to traffic jams) at Tanigawa-dake in the wonderful weather and beautiful autumn colors. I would like you all to share the beatiful scenaries in the photo album.



photos by Terry and Ajay.

At Shiragamon peak.

Lucky guys under the clearest sky.

Dinner at a ryokan.

Jhon described this as the best food he has ever had in Japan.

View of Tanigawa-dake from Nishikguro-ridge.

We were happy until we saw a rocky slope called "Zange-iwa" (the place for the last pray) to climb.

At Tanigawa-dake peak. Since it was so crowded, we needed to queue up to take pictures with the sign. (Our members other than these two were too lazy to get the sign.)

Where could you find confort more than this?

I felt very sad to leave this beautiful mountain.

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