General Walking / Hiking Advice

Please read below to give you some ideas and advice on walking in Japan

Equipment recommendations: (remember these recommendations should be taken in view of the walking that will be done).

What you can find below?

Hiking Advice - be prepared for the great outdoors!

Equipment needed for a one day walk + Comfort section



Hiking Preparation


Equipment for a one day trip:



This section is termed comfort as opposed to safety. All matters regarding safety are dealt with in the Safety page

When stopped, put on an extra layer of warm/windproof clothing, as you get cold very rapidly. Also don't start the walk with all your clothing on - you will get hot quickly. Carry some reserve clothing for when it gets cold.

Eating carbohydrate foods beforehand is a good idea (pasta or potatoes for example). On the mountain eat a little, but often. Chocolate bars are a good source of energy, giving nibbles to accompany sandwiches etc. Dried fruit is also full of energy. Some extra food is needed as emergency rations in case you get delayed. .

TWMC c/o John Payne
Tsukuba Walking & Mountaineering Club